To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. So of course i returned to comp tac to get a holster for my glock. The infidel ultra max holster is an inside the waistband kydex and leather hybrid. Make sure to check out part 1 for the main section of the comparison. The infidel belt loops are top grain cow hide leather that provides additional security by wrapping around your belt and snapping closed. Comp tac q line holsters for every shooter new for shot show 2016 on.
Comptac infidel ultra max inside the waistband holster with infidel belt. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, engage directly with stakeholders and experts, and gain a deeper understanding of some of the most important issues in. Our exclusive compensator design tames muzzle flip with high performance carry ammo and reduces perceived recoil of your compact or professional size pistol to less than that of a fullsize gun. The infidel max holster is an allkydex inside the waistband holster with cant adjustment holes to allow the user to change from a reverse cant, speed cant and fbi forward cant. The holster is inside the waistband and can be configured to with a infidel belt clip, infidel belt loops. Comptac victory gear, a leader in developing everyday carry holsters, has created a new inside the waistband cant adjustable holster. Tac is proud to bring nationally recognized innovators to this monthly series to address the needs of both urban and rural hospitals as they design communityspecific plans that meet the needs of priority patient populations. The infidel ctac strut allows you to add a second clip to your holster helping to. Infidel belt loops are top grain cow hide leather that provides additional security by wrapping around your belt and snapping closed. Ctac airsoft is also a great starting platform for the new recruit looking for a head start over the competition with some of the highest quality internal and external parts on the canadian market.
Having recently gotten a 43, and seeing as for some reason comptac hasnt begun to offer the ctac in a 43 version but they have a 42 version, i decided to give the g43 mtac a try. Nov 26, 2015 having recently gotten a 43, and seeing as for some reason comp tac hasnt begun to offer the ctac in a 43 version but they have a 42 version, i decided to give the g43 mtac a try. Chuck versus the tic tac is the tenth episode of the third season of the television series chuck, airing on march 15, 2010. From comptacs product description the infidel ultra is easier to quickly insert and remove. Infidel belt loops are top grain cow hide leather that provides additional security by wrapping around your belt and snapping.
Whether you are competing for fun or in the fight for your life, no company. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the faq by clicking the link above. Is canadas premier line of fully opaque airsoft products specifically geared towards experienced airsoft veterans. Comptac designed these gun holsters with twolayer cowhide backing and a kydex shell to create a durable platform that offers smooth, simple draws paired with safe reholstering with every use. The comptac ctac, comptac gurkha, or the milt sparks vmii. Additional mounting options can be purchased separately. Ctac holsters all kydex iwb concealed carry comptac. The infidel ultra max is designed with cant adjustment holes to allow the user to change from a reverse cant, straight drop speed cant and fbi forward cant. Comptac ctac vs mtac the leading glock forum and community.
Comptac victory gear have announced the newest addition to their concealed carry and competition holster offerings, the q line related story. Mar 27, 20 and i knew comp tac was the right place to look. The infidel ctac strut is a rear strut for the infidel max holster used for extra stability and also provides a small amount of cant adjustment. It is not recommended to wear the infidel ctac clip or shirt tucker strut with. Comptac if this is your first visit, be sure to check out the faq by clicking the link above. Comp tac supplies the highest quality defensive firearm accessories. Cons just usual issues that come with government contracting in general. The new wilson combat xtac elite carry comp is available in 9mm and. Comp tac 1911products from comp tac 1911 for sale at tombstone tactical. Must be used with either the infidel belt clip or the infidel belt loops. May 07, 2020 ctac works to improve advanced illness care in a fragmented system of care that is often uncoordinated and confusing.
The allkydex body will not bend or stretch over time and is impervious to sweat and solvents. I like comp tac but i found the infidel to just be downright uncomfortable to wear. When caseys former commanding officer returns, chuck and sarah take it upon themselves to clear his name when he is arrested for treason. Comptac infidel max holster personal defense world. You just get some value added stuff charger, battery, and other crap from buyairsoft. Wint increment 2 improves commanders flexibility since they. Glock 36 g36 pistol holster kydex comp tac ctac right hand inside waistband iwb. Hi guys does anyone have experience with both the comptac mtac and comptac infidel ultra iwb holsters for a glock. I see the main difference is that the mtac has two attachment clips, while the infidel ultra has only one. May 29, 2015 the infidel max is the latest inside the waistband holster from comptac.
I decided to make a comparison between the comptac mtac and. The comptac infidel ultra max holster hybrid, iwb from high speed gear on vimeo. Keep your weapon close for instant access and superior concealment while using the comptac infidel ultra max inside the waistband concealed carry holster. Comptac lline holster for light or lasers iwbowb black. Jan 07, 20 comptac international duty level 2 retention holster comptac victory gear. To learn more about this project, be on the lookout for a december post on access. Meanwhile, devon and ellie are at odds over their future when ellie receives her dream fellowship. Comptac 1911products from comptac 1911 for sale at tombstone tactical. The comptac infidel holster is one of eds favorites. A type of credit derivative that is similar to a planned amortization class pac in that it protects investors from prepayment. The holster body is made from kydex that is molded to your specific weapon. C tac airsoft is also a great starting platform for the new recruit looking for a head start over the competition with some of the highest quality internal and external parts on the canadian market. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, engage directly with stakeholders and experts, and gain a deeper.
The infidel belt clip is a nylon clip that slides quickly and easily over the belt. In conclusion, if you are looking for a comfortable, high quality, versatile concealed carry holster i would highly recommend the comp tac mtac. Comp tac infidel max glock 940 models iwb kydex holster belt clip. Jan 07, 2014 once the tac is set up in its new location, the larger toc can then move forward with minimal disruption to battlefield operations. Shop comp tac mtac inside the waistband hybrid concealed carry holster up to 21% off 4. Houston, texas comptac victory gear, a leading manufacturer of holsters and accessories, is. Infidel max holster with light or laser comptac gear. The infidel belt loops provide additional security by wrapping around your belt and snapping closed. I dont need to adjust for cant, since i cool my kidney, with a comp tac, and with a shirt tucker strut, it is at the perfect angle for my right handed draw.
It performed flawlessly and i couldnt have been happier. It offers comptacs all kydex construction and molding for the smoothest, fastest draw, and a retention adjustment screw for the perfect hold regardless of which firearm used. The infidel ctac strut is a rear strut for the infidel holster used for extra stability and also provides a small amount of cant adjustment. Comptac unviels international duty level 2 retention holster.
Comptac international holster owb kydex belt paddle drop offset. So of course i returned to comptac to get a holster for my glock. As an insidethewaistband kydex holster, it provides a slim fit, with excellent. With a month to go until the 2017 national summit, be sure to check out our interactive breakout sessions on a variety of topics in advanced illness care. Comp tac victory gear have announced the newest addition to their concealed carry and competition holster offerings, the q line. Im feeling the need to add something in kydex to my holster drawer.
I replaced that holster with the minotaur spartan holster. Ok here goesi was diagnosed 312010 with stage 2 estrogen positive bc, went to md anderson, had a partial. The infidel max is the latest inside the waistband holster from comptac. Comptac infidel ultra max inside the waistband concealed. Infidel ultra max holster iwb concealed carry comptac. I decided to make a comparison between the comptac mtac.
Keep your weapon close for instant access and superior concealment while using the comp tac infidel ultra max inside the waistband concealed carry holster. According to comptac, the rig can be adjusted for a forward 15. Comp tac designed these gun holsters with twolayer cowhide backing and a kydex shell to create a durable platform that offers smooth, simple draws paired with safe reholstering with every use. Comptac infidel max inside the waistband holster infidel belt clip. The leather backing really improves the comfort against your body while still giving you the benefits and security of a kydex holster. It is not recommended to wear the infidel ctac clip or shirt. Comptac victory gear is devoted to designing and manufacturing the highest quality concealed carry, competition, tactical holsters and related accessories on the market. I was the lucky winner of a comp tac drawing for a free holster, so i decided to grab an extra one for my shield. Unique to the qb are mount holes that are compatible with all industry mounting options for belt, molle, or thigh holsters. Comptac products offer options that make it easy and comfortable to carry a firearm for all of our customers. I love my mtac and ive recommended it to many friends who carry larger frame guns, but the infidel ultra is infinitely more comfortable without those flappy wings on the side note. Ctac works to improve advanced illness care in a fragmented system of care that is often uncoordinated and confusing.
Combine with the infidel ctac strut for additional support. Many assume that when faced with advanced illness they will be able to be at home, with family and friends. The ctac is an inside the waistband allkydex holster for concealed carry. Infidel max ctac strut comptac victory gear comptac. Army network stays connected even when jumping the toc. I was the lucky winner of a comptac drawing for a free holster, so i decided to grab an extra one for my shield. Comp tac victory gear releases holster fits for springfield xd mod. The infidel ultra max holster is an inside the waistband kydex and leather hybrid holster designed for concealed carry. Aug 27, 2011 best iwb holster ever comp tac infidel max vs. Ctac honestly has some of the most talented people in the area working there, and they are a pleasure to work with as well.
A rear strut for the infidel holster used for extra stability and also. Comptac hunting gun holsters for glock for sale ebay. The infidel max holster allkydex body provides a rigid material that is custom fit to each firearm and maintains its. More make and model fits will be released in the future. As for vfc, if you want something in canada and not wait for the 46 weeks it takes to get stuff from chinahktaiwan a store called airsoft gear operating out of vancouver has some vfcs for very fair prices considering in canada and you only have to pay taxes and not shipping from overseas. Comptac supplies the highest quality defensive firearm accessories. Feb 05, 2016 the following is a press release from comp tac victory gear. The infidel ultra max can mount to your belt with two different mounting options. Comptac international duty holster comptac international duty holster. Comptac infidel max the leading glock forum and community. The infidel belt clip does not come with any hardware for installation.
For the initial release comp tac will have some of the most popular model fits for firearm brands. The q line products are the first multifit holsters offered by comp tac. Comptac infidel ultra max inside the waistband holster infidel belt. The infidel belt clip makes the infidel holster as easy and convenient as any iwb holster in our inventory.
Bought a comptac minotuar and found a very flexable adjustable holster that will allow for the holsters body to be changed for a differ handgun in minutes. Brigades must first determine what conditions must exist for this to occur. The supertuck looks more comfortable, but 5 weeks is a long time to wait. The ctac kydex body provides a rigid material that is custom fit to each firearm exactly and retains its shape even with the pistol. Comptac victory gear releases holster fits for springfield xd mod. The following is a press release from comptac victory gear. Just 15% of patients who need homebased primary care. The infidel max is designed to work with the infidel clip, infidel loops in any cant configuration. To recap, hitting a target at 50 feet was difficult, however at 40 feet on in, both guns shot exceptionally well, with the mossberg having a slightly higher point of impact since then, ive taken time to work on both guns, seeking to optimize them. These holsters are for tactical and competition use, designed to release and sheath your weapon quickly and with ease. In conclusion, if you are looking for a comfortable, high quality, versatile concealed carry holster i would highly recommend the comptac mtac. The international duty is an outsidethewaistband level ii retention holster with a modular mounting design offering the user 16 different carry options. Comptacs q line holster series personal defense world.
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